Source code for clanimtk.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: cli
    :synopsis: This module contains all functions that interact with the CLI.
.. moduleauthor:: Simon Larsén <>
import sys
import time

BACKSPACE = '\x08'
BACKLINE = '\033[F'

[docs]def erase(status): """Erases the given status message from stdout by backspacing as many times as the status is long. Args: status (str): A status message that is already printed to stdout. """ sys.stdout.write('\x08' * len(status))
[docs]def animate_cli(animation_, step, event): """Print out the animation cycle to stdout. This function is for use with synchronous functions and must be run in a thread. Args: animation_ (generator): A generator that produces strings for the animation. Should be endless. step (float): Seconds between each animation frame. """ while True: # run at least once, important for tests! time.sleep(step) frame = next(animation_) sys.stdout.write(frame) sys.stdout.flush() if event.is_set(): break sys.stdout.write(animation_.get_erase_frame()) sys.stdout.flush() animation_.reset()